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When you get a Zerona laser treatment, you'll be astonished at how simple it is.
The Zerona Non-Surgical Fat Loss Treatment
Look no further than Zerona if you're looking for a non-surgical fat loss procedure with no side effects or downtime. Most stubborn fat locations can be treated with the Zerona-Z6 laser, including the waist, chest, flanks, back or bra area, thighs, pecs, ankles, and arms.
Each session takes less than an hour and is simple and quick.
You'll be able to sit back and relax while your Zerona professional performs the treatment.
no contact
First, six lasers are concurrently applied to the fat-targeted locations. You'll simply lie in a comfortable and immobile position for roughly 20 minutes while the cool laser works.
The laser will be used on the front, or anterior, side of your body initially. Then you'll change over and go through the identical treatment process on your back, or posterior, side.
The number of treatments you receive will be determined by your provider's assessment of what is necessary to help you achieve your objectives.
Cold laser technology is used by Zerona. This technique, also known as low-level laser technology, employs low amounts of light to safely penetrate fat cells, allowing excess fat to leak out without heating the body tissue. You may notice a minor difference in how you feel once your Zerona treatment is finished. Many clients report feeling lighter as a result of the bio-stimulation process that begins in the adipose tissue of the body.
You may notice a minor difference in how you feel once your Zerona treatment is finished. Many clients report feeling lighter as a result of the bio-stimulation process that begins in the adipose tissue of the body.
The Science Behind Zerona’s Cold Laser Technology
The majority of fat loss lasers work by freezing or burning fat cells to kill them. Zerona, on the other hand, uses a low-level laser treatment that emulsifies (or liquefies) fat. The efficacy of this approach was confirmed in four distinct investigations. These treatments do not destroy fat cells in the same way that other treatments do, making them better for your body.
Enlarged subcutaneous fat regions cause problematic sections of body fat, which are created by large fat cells, or adipocytes. Zerona’s laser technology induces these cells to form a transitory pore in their membrane. Through this pore, fatty material seeps out into extracellular space, which is regulated by the lymphatic system. As fatty material is evacuated, fat cells shrink, allowing fat loss from the treated area. Check out our page about the science to learn more about this process.
Note: During the Zerona process, the adipose, or fatty tissue, was studied using both scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Images from these devices indicated how adipose groupings disintegrated after laser treatment.

- VS -
You may have contemplated traditional weight reduction surgery if you want to reduce weight or get rid of stubborn areas of fat that you can't seem to get rid of. Surgery, on the other hand, is not without hazards, such as ugly scars and lengthy recovery times. Furthermore, some patients are ineligible for standard weight loss surgery.
Other procedures have risks and adverse effects, while Zerona laser treatment has not. In reality, there are a slew of advantages to using this FDA-approved, industry-leading technique, including the fact that it's:
- Completely non-invasive
- Completed in a relaxing treatment atmosphere
- Able to provide effective results
- Scarless & Bruiseless
- Causes no side effects
You'll be awake throughout this non-surgical procedure, and you'll be able to go about your business as usual afterward.
Laser treatment may appear to be a frightening prospect. However, the Zerona-Z6 laser technology can target fat cells from the outside, eliminating the need for invasive surgery. Apart from the disappearing inches from your waistline and a big boost in confidence about how you look after treatment, there will be no visible traces that you had Zerona treatment.
If you want to see the Zerona difference for yourself, it's time to use our Zerona laser right here in Birmingham — you'll be thrilled with the results of this non-invasive fat loss option.